Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Just Never Know - But God Does!

Well, it is finally finished!  Step Into Your Destiny, the long awaited book that is my first, but certaintly not my last book, will be available on Kindle in the next week.  What an exciting time this is!  Step Into Your Destiny, is designed to encourage women to do two things: first, to reach within themselves and not only discover the gifts that God planted at the time of conception, but to use those gifts to impact the world...Yes the world, not just the community.  Second, my hope is for women to write/journal those goals/thoughts/ideas and most importantly God-breathed revelation - and watch them come to pass!

As women, we need to know that our lives are destined for greatness and our steps are ordered for success.  Every step that we take has a place in our destiny walk.  I was reminded of this last week when I recently saw a man who, 20 years ago, helped me get admitted to college.  I was so excited to see him that I walked up to him and introduced myself and said 'thank you so much for all that you did to help me get into IUP'. And I shared with him that he, not only helped me enter IUP, but now I am employed there AND am finishing my last class in the Communications Media and Instructional Technology Ph.D program.  He was so excited to hear that he impacted a life twenty years ago.  And to top it off, my son and his grandson are friends and play together quite often.  Let me say again - our steps are ordered - strategically!  Look at that!  It was destined for me to be connected to this man, who was instrumental at an important time of my life.  And because of his assistance, so many life-changing events have occurred over the last twenty years. 

So, know this - your steps are strategically ordered...I don't care where you've been or what you've been through, everything works together for His ultimate plan for you!  What a great feeling when you know that Gods plan for you has already been written!  I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see where my steps take me...I will leave you with this though..."no man has seen, nor ear has heard, nor has entered the heart of them the things that God has prepared for those who love Him...1 Corinthians 2:9!


  1. Carries the same passion as the book! Kindle next week - on the shelf shortly thereafter! God does indeed have great and wonderful things in store "for those who love him". I'm glad I do!


  2. Not knowing what God has in store for you but knowing he has a plan for your life can be exciting yet bring challenges. I am at a stage of pruning and I believe that God has predestined greatness in the end."Step Into Your Destiny," is just what I need to take me into that next level. Malaika Turner I am proud of you and I thank you for releasing such a powerful tool for women to use as a guide. I'm believing God to do great things and I can wait to purchase my copy!
