Saturday, August 20, 2011

God's Production

I had the awesome pleasure of doing something that, well frankly, I've always wanted to do but never thought  would happen.  I was in a movie.  Yes a movie - I was an extra in Batman The Dark Knight Rises, taped in Pittsburgh, PA.  The scene we were in was taped at Heinz field and what an experience.  Cameras. Directors. Actors!  I mean it was absolutely awesome.  My husband and I had a wonderful experience.  And even though we were late getting there (that's another blog), we made it to the sign that read "entering the set of Batman the Dark Knight Rise.  We, along with thousands of other extras were addressed by Director Christopher Nolan and British actor Tom Hardy, who plays Batman's antithesis Bane.  Various other directors provided direction as to when we should move, when we should quiet down; when to plug your ears for the big explosion.  We witnessed the special effects, that will seem so real in the actual movie.  For me, it was exciting to hear those two famous director words "cut" and "action".  It was great and I'll never forget  the experience. 

It's interesting though, as I look back on that experience, it's really something to see one man, Christopher Nolan, oversee such a large production.  He manages a large number of people and has to be aware of everyone's responsibilities.  He has the vision for how the movie should be presented to the audience and it's his job to make sure that everyone, with all of their gifts, talents and abilities is still supporting his vision.  He has work out the kinks and polish areas that are a bit dull.  He has the lens for the movie and everyone else must see through his lens and be in sync with him.

Isn't God like that.  He is the Director and has the vision for our lives, as the Word says that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of them the things that God has prepared for those who love him.    He writes the scripts, as He is the author and finisher of our faith.  He direct our day, as the bible says that it is  he who directs our path...He finances the "production" and supplies all of our needs.  It is God who when we don't know our lines provides His Word, O how sweet are your words to my taste, they are sweeter than honey in my mouth...He works out the kinks and polishes the dull areas.  It is God who has the power to say "cut" and "action" in our lives.  Doesn't he do that when we sin, which stops our movement?  He is the one who says action, when he provide His forgiveness....if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

I have found that as I'm moving forward in God, I am relieved that I've made God my Director!  He is the one who keeps me!  He is the one who writes the script, provides the finances and directs my moves.  He orders my steps and leads me in the path of righteousness.  He is the one who loves me and cares so much about me that he made me the apple of His eye.  I am not forgotten, not put on the shelf, but I'm right in the forefront of his production and I'm so excited about it.  I am encouraged today that everything that I need is in him.  Even my "missteps" are working for my good!  I am a work in progress, God's production and again he has the final say.  "Cut" - no more low self esteem.  No more misery.  No more depression.  No more abuse.  No more feelings of abandonment.  No more insecurity.  No more emptiness.  No more generational curses..."Action" - I am moving forward!  I am blessed in the city and blessed in the field!  I am prosperous!  I am called! I will reach my goals!  I will leave my past behind!  I will sell a million books!  I will raise men of God!  I am healed!  I will influence the world! I will walk in my anointing!  I will be obedient!  I won't be jealous, but rejoice with them that rejoice!  I will let God change my heart and make it more like His!  I will impact the world! I will walk in anointing!  I will Step Into My Destiny! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Just Never Know - But God Does!

Well, it is finally finished!  Step Into Your Destiny, the long awaited book that is my first, but certaintly not my last book, will be available on Kindle in the next week.  What an exciting time this is!  Step Into Your Destiny, is designed to encourage women to do two things: first, to reach within themselves and not only discover the gifts that God planted at the time of conception, but to use those gifts to impact the world...Yes the world, not just the community.  Second, my hope is for women to write/journal those goals/thoughts/ideas and most importantly God-breathed revelation - and watch them come to pass!

As women, we need to know that our lives are destined for greatness and our steps are ordered for success.  Every step that we take has a place in our destiny walk.  I was reminded of this last week when I recently saw a man who, 20 years ago, helped me get admitted to college.  I was so excited to see him that I walked up to him and introduced myself and said 'thank you so much for all that you did to help me get into IUP'. And I shared with him that he, not only helped me enter IUP, but now I am employed there AND am finishing my last class in the Communications Media and Instructional Technology Ph.D program.  He was so excited to hear that he impacted a life twenty years ago.  And to top it off, my son and his grandson are friends and play together quite often.  Let me say again - our steps are ordered - strategically!  Look at that!  It was destined for me to be connected to this man, who was instrumental at an important time of my life.  And because of his assistance, so many life-changing events have occurred over the last twenty years. 

So, know this - your steps are strategically ordered...I don't care where you've been or what you've been through, everything works together for His ultimate plan for you!  What a great feeling when you know that Gods plan for you has already been written!  I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see where my steps take me...I will leave you with this though..."no man has seen, nor ear has heard, nor has entered the heart of them the things that God has prepared for those who love Him...1 Corinthians 2:9!